
FeMillionaire Society

Is it a Coaching Program? Is it a mastermind?


While everyone else is selling you labels, we're delivering liberation.

Disruption is Our Signature Drink

You aren't here to be a Best Kept Secret!

Go ahead, try to put us in a box. We dare you.

We've been called a mastermind.

A coaching program.

A business accelerator.

But here's what we really are: The answer to every time you've said "there has to be a better way."

The solution to every "I thought I was the only one" moment.

The support you needed when that last program left you high and dry.

Welcome to the Business Women's Revolution

The FeMillionaire Society is where brilliant women come when they're done:

  • Playing by rules that were never written for them
  • Chasing solutions that create more problems than they solve
  • Pretending "fine" is good enough when they know they're meant for more

Here's what you really want - and we deliver...

  • Clear direction when everything feels foggy
  • Real support when challenges crash your party
  • Actual answers that don't lead to more questions
  • And a community of women who get it (like, really get it)

Call it whatever you need to, sugar.

We call it exactly what you've been looking for.

It's Time to Trade

Chaos for Clarity

Your 14-day taste of what's possible includes:

THe Guidance Gimlet

Business Concepts & Skills Unveiled

The Guidance Gimlet is for women who need to revisit their entrepreneurial journey and offers clear, accessible pathways to understanding essential business concepts and skills. This is where you unpack your business and identify exactly what needs to be improved.

Plus 5 of our most coveted resources that turn overwhelm into action!


An invitation to attend our Weekly Inner Circle Soirees

We start with 60 minutes where masks come off, real talk flows freely, and "I thought I was the only one" moments turn into breakthrough strategies.

Then we slip into something more comfortable - 45 minutes of geniune networking connection, and we even help you learn how to work the room, dahling!

Your Partners in Making It Happen

Angie Giltner

Takes your brilliant ideas and turns them into bankable results. No more wondering if you're "good enough" to charge 'I'm Worth It' prices that will do more than barely pay your bills.

Sam Morris

Transforms tech terror into your secret weapon. While others drown in details, you'll have systems that work while you sleep, because then it's time for big picture strategies.

Stephanee Gray

Because imposter syndrome and self-doubt? They're just old stories ready for a rewrite - and Steph can rewrite copy just as brilliantly as she can rewrite your thinking.

Your 14-Day Bootleg Pass Unlocks:

  • The complete Guidance Gimlet (1 of our 5 Business Growth Cocktails)
  • 5 of our most powerful business templates
  • Weekly networking that actually gets results
  • A peek into our Mastermind world where success feels deliciously simple

Ready to Stop Playing Small?

Click below and step into your starring role.

No credit card required. No permission needed.

You already know something needs to change. Make it count.

Cancel anytime – but dahling, once you taste what's possible, going back to figuring it all out alone will feel like settling.

And you've done enough of that already.

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